Greetings Prospective Employer!

I am a student at Florida State College Jacksonville studying Java, Web Design and SQL. I hope to become proficient at these tools so that I may develop applications to make people's lives easier. I've always admired the altruistic nature of code and am eager to become a participant in the technology community.

What can I do for your company?

I hope that you will find after looking around that I am able to offer you something valuable for your team. I may not be familiar with exactly how you operate but I can learn very quickly. If not, well then I guess I apologize for wasting your time.

I really am a swell guy

I can cook, I can clean, I can spin you up a SQL database if ya need. I don't call out sick and nobody loves me so I never need holidays. You can trust me with your business or your secret gumbo recipe. Whatever your company needs to get the job done.

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